M. R. Hamilton's blog

Leaders Among Us

We never know from where they will come or how they become what they are. Sometimes it just starts out as someone doing something to help another and it grows from there. The someone who gets help from the someone who provided it, tells someone else who needs help, and before long, the someone who provided help is looked upon as a leader.

KC Massey versus the United States, Inc.

As many of you may know, KC Massey made the news when he was arrested on the Texas border with Mexico protecting the border from the intrusion of criminal immigrants. While he was there with a team of loyal Americans doing this job all day everyday rather than being with his family and working his business, he was harassed by federal border patrol agents and arrested under a very feeble stretch by the feds who claimed that he was a "felon" with a gun and since the gun had been manufactured outside of Texas, the Untied States, Inc. had jurisdiction in the matter and arrested KC Massey.

Don't Lose Your House to Foreclosure

Lately I have been inspecting houses for insurance claims that have been foreclosed on and it is very saddening.

These are not just houses, they were someone's home. People were raising their families there. One house I saw recently had one of the bedrooms painted and decorated with the Cars movie theme including a bed modeled after the Lightning McQueen character. There were also many toys left in the room.

The Wrong Way to Assert Your Rights

My wife told me about a news article she read about the means that some younger Americans have been asserting their rights. According to the news article, there has been a ration of people in their late 20' and early 30's who have been challenging police officers during traffic stops even though they have their families with them. According to the news article, they have been "egging on" the officers. They tell the officers that they do not have to do anything the officers tell them. This is not how to challenge jurisdiction!

Liberalism and Freedom Cannot Coexist

We commonly hear liberals, especially young liberals claiming that conservatives are taking away their freedom. They say that conservatives are taking away their freedom of speech, freedom of "choice", freedom of whatever they are claiming. While it is true that some freedoms are lost to conservatives for those who consent to government jurisdiction, the biggest danger to a free society is liberalism.

The Success of School Conditioning

I had an exchange last night with a guy named David Burleson over on Facebook who is the perfect example of what government wanted to accomplish and how successful it has been when taking control of the school system in these united states. Those who wish to control people know that control of the people's education is key.


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