A. 1 USCS, section 204. Title 26, Internal revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Code of 1954 was enacted in the form of a SPECIAL CODE by Act August 16, 1954...The sections of Title 26, USCS, are identical to the sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
B. “United States Code is not enacted as statute, nor can it be construed as such, it being only prima facie statement of statute law; statutes collected in it do not change their meaning nor acquire any new force by their inclusion; if construction is necessary, recourse must be had to original statutes.” Murrell v. Western Union Tel. Co. CA5 Fla, 160 F2d 787
C.“Official source for United States Law is Statutes at Large and United States Code is only prima facie evidence of such laws.” Royer’s Inc v. United States. (1959, CA3 Pa) 265 F2d 615, 59-1 USTC 9371, 3 AFTR 2d 1137.
is listed, in order:
Title 23, Highways- Act Aug 27, 1958, P.L. 85-767
Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial procedure - Act June 25, 1948.
No title 26 or 27 exist as positive laws of the united states of America.
E “United States Code Titles as Positive Law”, is listed, in order:
Title 23, followed by Title 28 No title 26 or 27 exist.
F. (i) Since title 26 is not valid law, not positive law, was not voted by Congress into law binding upon the American People, anything, whatsoever, based upon or in any sections or portions of title 26 or any actions thereunder are unauthorized, unconstitutional, invalid, without force or effect, whatsoever, as are the unconstitutional actions taken by any Agent, and the condoning of those unconstitutional actions by any court.
(ii) Title 26, Section 7806 is quoted, in part, as follows: (a) “The cross references in this title to other portions of the title, or other provisions of law, where the word ‘see’ is used, are made only for convenience, and shall be given no legal effect. (Emphasis added.). (b) “No inference, implication, or presumption of legislative construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the location or grouping of any particular section or provisions or portion of this title, nor shall any table of contents, table of cross references, or similar outline, analysis, or descriptive matter relating to the contents of this title be given any legal effect.
(iii) All of the above confirms that the so-called title 26 has never been enacted into positive law and is not binding upon the American People, whatsoever.
G. The following is from the CRS Report for Congress, by John R. Luckey, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, issued by Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress on December 5, 1996, as quoted below:
“…Title 26, Internal Revenue, has not been enacted into positive law. The USC is divided into fifty titles. Of those fifty titles, twenty and part of another have been enacted into positive law. If a title has been so enacted, the text of that title constitutes legal evidence of the laws in that title. If the title has not been so enacted, the title is only prima facie evidence of the actual law. The courts could require proof of the statutes underlying the title, which are the positive law when the title has not been enacted into positive law. The Office of Law Revision Council, which has the responsibility for preparing titles for enactment into positive law, states that titles are chosen for enactment into positive law on two bases. Some are chosen because of congressional mandate that the laws be codified. Otherwise, the Office of Law Revision Council prefers to select titles which cover areas of minimal legislative activity. The tax laws do not meet either one of these criteria. (Emphasis added.)
“…Title 26 of the USC is an EDITORIAL CODIFICATION OF THIS ACT, prepared and published under the supervision of the House Judiciary Committee, pursuant to statute. (Emphasis added.)