Hello Everyone, our first thread: What is the process to collect on Default Judgment? Its our innerstanding no judge required its just a process through the court system.
We did the letter(s) process of validating debt(s), approximately 6 month process, completing the final estoppel notice and now two years later we find our credit in ruins by these banksters, listing they were not paid, even though they were informed in writing they would be held liable if reported to any credit agencies, etc.
We also have name copy-right infringement that has occurred., by same fictional entities.
Esquire debt collector also on credit report, who obviously bought one of the cc debts affecting credit as well and certainly -No ConTract-with us.
All this crapeola discovered when background/credit check done through application to rent land for home.
So the court process or any tips how to deal with the dishonoring taking place is appreciated.
You do not have a default if you did not file a claim in a court action. I would suggest you file an action in federal court using one of he cases in the member forum. I can do a consultation contract with you, but I am very backed up. Things are starting to look manageable though. However, people who write their own action so that all I have to do is edit it, get faster results. Make sure if you start a thread for you case it is in the member forum and not the user forum, which is where this thread is.
M. R. Hamilton