On May 23, 2018, a Colorado judge sentenced a man to 38 years in prison after he challenged the courts and officials claiming Yahweh and 10 Commandments gave him authority over state government. (source a black organization known as SPLC in Alabama)
Seems that even if you protest or fill out forms and challenge local government they will kill you or sentence you to prison! :(
The problem the Colorado 9 had was they thought they were holding government officials to task. They were not,. Government has not been seated for years. What we have instead is a bunch of corporation pretending to be government offices. We have the means of being left alone, and I will be adding those means (hopefully) soon. Look up how to occupy the office of the executor. That is how we do it. Also go to https://inpowermovement.org and watch their videos and check out their process for doing a Notice of Liability. They are using it to have smart meters removed of blocked, but it can be used for anything.
M. R. Hamilton