II. Mission of Course




General purpose------------------------------------------------------------8

Knowledge, the safeguard of our Republic------------------------------9

Character building ------------------------------------------------------- 10

National defense---------------------------------------------------------- 11

8. General purpose. — This course in citizenship is designed to teach the fundamental principles upon which our Government is founded, including an insight into the social and economic elements upon which our civilization stands. Special emphasis is laid upon the meaning of "liberty," as interpreted by the founders of this Republic, and the larger relationship of the individual citizen to others and to his Government, defining loyalty and national responsibility in terms of citizenship, recognizing that an intelligent and informed people is a greater asset than are the unintelligent, uninformed, or misinformed, and that no government can exist upon a plane higher than the moral character of its people.

9. Knowledge, the safeguard of our Republic. — Because of the rapid increase in our population, largely made up of immigrants from all parts of the world, the tendency within the family and the school is to neglect the training of our youth in the knowledge of his Government and his individual responsibility. It can not be expected that foreign-born parents, lacking knowledge or inspiration of American ideals, will be either fitted or inspired to give such instruction to their own children.

The indifference or the neglect of native-born citizens concerning the training of their children to meet the responsibilities of citizenship is largely caused by lack of information and proper tinderstanding of the history, ideals, and underlying principles of our political institutions.

The remarkable development of industry in America has caused a congestion of population in our large cities, creating social, economic, and political problems that materially affect the structure of our Government.

The solution of the problems of citizenship lies largely in the education of the youth of America in the principles of representative government and their personal responsibility in perpetuating and improving her free institutions.

10. Character building. — The ever-increasing wants as compared to the needs of humanity, the added individual burdens and problems of modern civilization, emphasizing material rather than ethical and spiritual attainment, are tending to break down the character of our youth.

It is the mission of this course to specially emphasize the moral aspects of citizenship — to build up home discipline, reverence for religion, and respect for constituted authority.

11. National defense. — Education and training in citizenship form a vital part of national defense. It will be the mission of this course to interpret national defense through a broad and comprehensive instruction in citizenship, stressing the responsibility of the individual citizen to become fully prepared for the defense of his country in any emergency that may arise, whether of domestic or foreign import, in peace or in war.