How to set up email in Thunderbird

The following is how to set up your email for in Thunderbird.

  1. If you do not have an account setup in Thunderbird and are opening it for the first time, a wizard will start to walk you through the setup procedure. If you already have an account setup in Thunderbird, under Accounts, Create New Account click on Email. This will start the wizard.
  2. After you click the "Email" link, you will be greeted with another window advertising an email service you can use to get an email account. Just click on the "Skip this and use my existing email account" button on the bottom left. 
  3. When you click the Skip button, you wiil then be presented with the first window for setting up your email account. Enter your name as you want it to appear to others, your email address and password.
  4. Press continue. After the window updates, select the pop3 radio button. You are not finished yet though, so do not press Done. You will note that the user name at the bottom of the screen is only that part of the name before your email address.
  5. Press the "Manual config" button (second from left). Make sure that both the incoming and outgoing server names are Set the 3rd dropdown menu under SSL/TLS and the "Authenticated" dropdown to "Encrypted Password". Then make sure your username is your entire email address as seen here.  Then press done. That's it you are now getting your email from

If you have any problems, post a comment below.