boss cx2500d manual

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boss cx2500d manual

boss cx2500d manual

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boss cx2500d manualIt has been designed, engineered and manufactured to bring you the highest level of performance and quality, and will afford you years of listening pleasure. These CHAOS EXXTREME models feature variable low pass and subsonic filters and a variable input gain control. The CX2500D and CX3500D also incorporate a phase selector switch to help compensate for time delays in subwoofer applications. Use a scribe or mounting screw, inserted through each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the mounting surface is carpeted, measure the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. Your CHAOS EXXTREME Class D amplifier is designed to run with a minimum load of 1 Ohm. Operating the CX2500D or CX3500D with a speaker im- pedance load below 1 Ohm may result in poor sound qual- ity and damage to the amplifier circuitry. Always use a high-quality RCA cable for best audio performance. SENSITIVITY POWER 100mV-2V INPUT CONTROLS C L A S S D M O N O B L O C K P O W E R A M P L I F I E R To Audio Outputs of head unit or Subwoofer outputs. If problems persist, read the following troubleshooting tips which may help eliminate the problems. SYMPTOM POSSIBLE REMEDY Amplifier will not Check to make sure you have a good ground connection. Page Count: 11 If pr oble m s p ersist, read the following troublesh ooting tips which may help eliminate the problems. Low-level (RCA) input wiring is preferred for best audio performance. Always use a high-quality RCA cable for best audio performance. Prot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s powered up. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on speaker lead s. T ur n dow n th e volume contr ol on the head u nit t o prevent over drivin g. Rem ove sp eaker lead s, and rese t the amp lifie r. If the Pr o tec tion L ED sti ll com es on, then th e ampli f ie r is fa ulty a nd ne eds ser vicing. High hi s s i n the speake rs. Disconnect a ll RC A inputs t o the am plifiers.

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If t h e h iss disapp ears, then pl u g in the com ponent d r iving the a m plifier and u nplug it s inputs. It is best to se t the am plifier's i nput level con tr ol a s low a s possib le. Th e b est sub jecti ve sig n al-to-noise ra t io is achieved in t h is mann er. T r y t o set the head u nit a s h igh as p ossible (without d istortion ) an d the amp input level as low a s possib le. Squeali ng noise from spe akers. Chec k for improp er ly gr ou nded RCA int er c on nect s. Disto rt ed sound. Chec k that the In p ut Level Control is set to m atch the sign al level of the head unit. Always try to set t h e In put Level as l ow as p ossible. Chec k tha t all crossover freq ue n cie s ar e properly se t. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on the spe a ke r le ads. Ampl ifi e r get s very hot. C he c k th at t he mi nim um s p ea ke r im pe d an ce fo r t he a mp mod el i s c or re ct. Chec k tha t there is good air circu latio n aroun d the amp. In som e app lications, it may b e nece ssa ry to add an d exte r na l cooling fan. En gi ne noise (static type) This is usua ll y cau se d b y p oor quality RCA cables, which can pic k up ra d iated noise. U se only t h e best quality c ab les, an d rou te them aw ay fr om p ower cab les. En gi ne noise (al te rn ato r w hin e) Chec k tha t spe a ker le ad s are n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the RCA gr ounds are n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the head u nit is prope r ly gr ounded. The fuse ratings for these amps is 40A (using two 20A fuses) for the CX2500D and 90A (using three 30A fuses) for the CX3500D. Although sufficient for normal wo rking condit ions, o verlo ading t he a mp may result in blown fuses. Please try to avoid overloading the amp in this manner. Y o ur CH AO S EX XT RE M E Cla ss D amp l ifier is des igned t o run wi t h a m ini mu m lo ad of 1 Oh m. Op erati ng th e CX2500D or CX3500D wi th a sp ea ker im- ped an ce load belo w 1 Ohm ma y r e su lt in po or sou n d qu al - it y a nd da m a ge t o t he a mp lif ie r circu itry. Suc h damage i s no t covered un d er t he war ran ty for th is p rod u ct. U se a sc ri be or mounting screw, inserted through each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the m ou nti ng sur fac e i s car pet ed, me asu r e the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. 4. Drill pilot holes in the mounting su rfa ce f or the mo unt ing sc rew s. P lac e the amplifier in position, and attach the amplifier to the mounting surface securely us ing screws. 4. C heck t hat th e fu se hol der is em pty. Connect all speakers, following the diagrams in this manual. Speaker C on necti ons MAST ER AMP LI FIER Re ar p anel 2 Introduction 2 Features 3 What is included? 3 General precautions 3 Installation precautions 3 Mounting the amplifier 4 Connecting the amplifier 5 Important system considerations 5 Tips for a safe system 6 Low level input wiring 6 Speaker wiring 7 Power connections Norma l a nd with Stif fening Capa citor 8 Bridging two CHAOS EXXTREME CLASS D Amplifiers 10 T roubleshoo ting 11 Specifications Co ngrat ul ati o ns on yo ur purchase of a CHAOS E XXTREME Class D Amplifi e r. I t has be en de si gned, engi neer ed and manufactured to bring you the hi ghest level o f performance and quality, and will afford y ou years of listening pleasure. Thank you for making your choice for car audio entertainment. All specifications subject to change without notice.Pr ot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s power ed up. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on speaker lead s. T ur n dow n th e volume contr ol on the head u nit t o pr event over d r i vin g. Rem ove sp eaker lead s, and r ese t the amp lifie r. If the Pr o tec tion L ED sti ll com es on, then th e ampli f ie r is fa ulty a nd ne eds ser vicing. High hi s s i n the speake rs. Disconnect a ll RC A inputs t o the am plifiers. If t h e h iss disapp ears, then pl u g in the com ponent d r iving the a m plifier and u nplug it s inputs. It is best to se t the am plifier's i nput level con tr ol a s low a s possib le. Th e b est sub jecti ve sig n al-to-noise ra t io is achieved in t h is mann er. T r y t o set the head u nit a s h igh as p ossible (without d istortion ) an d the amp input level as low a s possib le. Squeali ng noise fr om spe akers. Chec k for improp er ly gr ou nded RCA int er c on nect s. Disto rt ed sound. Chec k that the In p ut Level Control is set to m atch the sign al level of the head unit. Always tr y to set t h e In put Level as l ow as p ossible. Chec k tha t all crossover fr eq ue n cie s ar e properly se t. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on the spe a ke r le ads. Ampl ifi e r get s very hot. C he c k th at t he mi nim um s p ea ke r im pe d an ce fo r t he a mp mod el i s c or rect. Chec k tha t ther e is good air circu latio n aroun d the amp. In som e app lications, it may b e nece ssa r y to add an d exte r na l cooling fan. En gi ne noise (static type) This is usua ll y cau se d b y p oor quality RCA cables, which can pic k up ra d iated noise. U se only t h e best quality c ab les, an d rou te them aw ay fr om p ower cab les. En gi ne noise (al te rn ato r w hin e) Chec k tha t spe a ker le ad s ar e n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the RCA gr ounds ar e n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the head u nit is prope r ly gr ounded. The fuse ratings for these amps is 40A (using two 20A fuses) for the CX2500D and 90A (using thr ee 30A fuses) for the CX3500D. Although sufficient for normal wo rking condit ions, o verlo ading t he a mp may result in blown fuses. Please try to avoid overloading the amp in this manner. Y o ur CH AO S EX XT RE M E Cla ss D amp l ifier is des igned t o run wi t h a m ini mu m lo ad of 1 Oh m. Op erati ng th e CX2500D or CX3500D wi th a sp ea ker im- ped an ce load belo w 1 Ohm ma y r e su lt in po or sou n d qu al - it y a nd da m a ge t o t he a mp lif ie r circu itry. Suc h damage i s no t covered un d er t he war ran ty for th is p rod u ct. Bridging T wo C X2500D or T wo C X3500D Amp l ifiers MAST ER AMP LI FIER Fr ont panel SLAVE AMP LI FIER Fr ont Panel Power C o nnecti ons Without Stiff ening Capacitor With Stiff ening Cap ac itor Bridging T wo C X2500D or T wo C X3500D Amp l ifiers SLAVE AMP LI FIER Re ar P anel IN PU T C ONN ECTI ONS (S EE NE X T P AGE FO R POWE R, SPE AKER AN D DAT AL INK CO N NE CT IO NS ) POWE R AN D SP EAKE R CON NE CTI ONS (S EE PREVIOUS P AGE FO R INP UT CONNE CTIO N S) With the CHAOS EXXTREME Class D amplifier series, we are introducing two new CLASS D amplifiers, both desig ned in the USA. These CHAOS EXXTREME models f ea tur e var iab le lo w pa ss and su bs on ic fi lter s and a v a ria ble i nput gai n c ontr ol. The CX2500D and CX3500D also incorporate a phase selector switch to he lp compen sate for time delays in subwoofer applications.A special featur e on this Clas s D am p is D a taLink circu i t ry, which allo ws you to “s trap” to gether tw o CX2500D’s or two CX3500D models for an astounding total maximum output power of 5000 or 7000 watts, respectively. U se a sc ri be or mounting screw, inserted throu gh each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the m ou nti ng sur fac e i s car pet ed, me asu re the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. 4. Drill pilot holes in the mounting su rfa ce f or the mo unt ing sc rew s. P lace the amplifier in position, and attach the amplifier to the mounting surface securely us ing screws. 4. C heck t hat th e fu se hol der is em pty. Connect all speakers, following the diagrams in this manual. Speaker C on necti ons MAST ER AMP LI FIER Re ar p anel 2 Introd u ction 2 Featur es 3 What is included? 3 General pr ecautions 3 Installation pr ecautions 3 Mo unt ing the amplifier 4 Co nnecting the amplifier 5 Important system considerations 5 Tips for a safe system 6 Low level input wiring 6 Speaker wiring 7 Power connections Normal a n d with Stiffening Capacitor 8 Bridging two CHAOS EXXTREME CLASS D Amplifiers 10 T roubleshooting 11 Specifications C on grat ul ati on s on y ou r purchase of a CHAOS EX XTREME Class D Amplifi er. I t has be en de si gned, engi neer ed and manufactured to bring y ou the hi ghest level o f performance and quality, and will affor d you years of listening pleasure. Thank you for making your choice for car audio entertainment. All specifications subject to change without notice.Pr ot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s power ed up. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on speaker lead s. T ur n dow n th e volume contr ol on the head u nit t o pr event over d r i vin g. Rem ove sp eaker lead s, and r ese t the amp lifie r. If the Pr o tec tion L ED sti ll com es on, then th e ampli f ie r is fa ulty a nd ne eds ser vicing. High hi s s i n the speake rs. Disconnect a ll RC A inputs t o the am plifiers. If t h e h iss disapp ears, then pl u g in the com ponent d r iving the a m plifier and u nplug it s inputs. It is best to se t the am plifier's i nput level con tr ol a s low a s possib le. Th e b est sub jecti ve sig n al-to-noise ra t io is achieved in t h is mann er. T r y t o set the head u nit a s h igh as p ossible (without d istortion ) an d the amp input level as low a s possib le. Squeali ng noise fr om spe akers. Chec k for improp er ly gr ou nded RCA int er c on nect s. Disto rt ed sound. Chec k that the In p ut Level Control is set to m atch the sign al level of the head unit. Always tr y to set t h e In put Level as l ow as p ossible. Chec k tha t all crossover fr eq uen cie s ar e properly se t. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on the spe a ke r le ads. Ampl ifi e r get s very C he c k th at t he mi nim um s p ea ke r im pe d an ce fo r t he a mp mod el i s c or rect. Chec k tha t ther e is good air circu latio n aroun d the amp. In som e app lications, it may b e nece ssa r y to add an d exte r na l cooling fan. En gi ne noise (static type) This is usua ll y cau se d b y p oor quality RCA cables, which can pic k up ra d iated noise. U se only t h e best quality c ab les, an d rou te them aw ay fr om p ower cab les. En gi ne noise (al te rn ato r w hin e) Chec k tha t spe a ker le ad s ar e n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the RCA gr ounds ar e n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the head u nit is prope r ly gr ounded. Inst all ati o n pr ecauti o ns Before you drill or cut any holes, investigate your car's layout very carefully. T ake special car e when y ou work near the gas tank, fuel lines, hydraulic lines and electrical wiring. Never operate the amplifier when it is unmounted. Attach all audio system components securely to prevent damage, especially in an accident. Before making or br eaking power c onn ect ion s in y our sys tem, dis co nne ct the vehicle battery. Confirm that your hea d unit or o ther equipment is t urned of f wh ile conn ect i ng t he inp ut j ack s and speaker terminals. If you need to r eplace the power fuse, replace it only with a fuse identical to that supplied with the amplifier. Using a fuse of a di ffer ent type or r ating may resu lt in damage t o y our audio system or your amplifier which is not covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Moun t ing the ampl ifier 1. Find a su ita bl e loc at ion in t he ve hic le in which to mount the amplifier. 2. Make sure ther e is suf ficient air cir culation around the intended mounting location. The fuse ratings for these amps is 40A (using two 20A fuses) for the CX2500D and 90A (using thr ee 30A fuses) for the CX3500D. Although sufficient for normal wo rking condit ions, o verlo ading t he a mp may result in blown fuses. Please try to avoid overloading the amp in this manner. Y o ur CH AO S EX XT RE M E Cla ss D amp l ifier is des igned t o run wi t h a m ini mu m lo ad of 1 Oh m. Op erati ng th e CX2500D or CX3500D wi th a sp ea ker im- ped an ce load belo w 1 Ohm ma y r e su lt in po or sou n d qu al - it y a nd da m a ge t o t he a mp lif ie r circu itry. Suc h damage i s no t covered un d er t he war ran ty for th is p rod u ct. Dang erous h i g h voltag es are pre sent whic h may result in elect ric shock. U se a sc ri be or mounting screw, inserted throu gh each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the m ou nti ng sur fac e i s car pet ed, me asu re the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. 4. Drill pilot holes in the mounting su rfa ce f or the mo unt ing sc rew s. P lace the amplifier in position, and attach the amplifier to the mounting surface securely us ing screws. 4. C heck t hat th e fu se hol der is em pty. Connect all speakers, following the diagrams in this manual. Speaker C on necti ons MAST ER AMP LI FIER Re ar p anel 2 Introd u ction 2 Featur es 3 What is included? 3 General pr ecautions 3 Installation pr ecautions 3 Mo unt ing the amplifier 4 Co nnecting the amplifier 5 Important system considerations 5 Tips for a safe system 6 Low level input wiring 6 Speaker wiring 7 Power connections Normal a n d with Stiffening Capacitor 8 Bridging two CHAOS EXXTREME CLASS D Amplifiers 10 T roubleshooting 11 Specifications C on grat ul ati on s on y ou r purchase of a CHAOS EX XTREME Class D Amplifi er. I t has be en de si gned, engi neer ed and manufactured to bring y ou the hi ghest level o f performance and quality, and will affor d you years of listening pleasure. Thank you for making your choice for car audio entertainment. All specifications subject to change without notice.Always use a high-quality RCA cable for best audio performance. Prot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s powered up. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on speaker lead s. T ur n dow n th e volume contr ol on the head u nit t o prevent over drivin g. Rem ove sp eaker lead s, and rese t the amp lifie r. If the Pr o tec tion L ED sti ll com es on, then th e ampli f ie r is fa ulty a nd ne eds ser vicing. High hi s s i n the speake rs. Disconnect a ll RC A inputs t o the am plifiers. If t h e h iss disapp ears, then pl u g in the com ponent d r iving the a m plifier and u nplug it s inputs. It is best to se t the am plifier's i nput level con tr ol a s low a s possib le. Th e b est sub jecti ve sig n al-to-noise ra t io is achieved in t h is mann er. T r y t o set the head u nit a s h igh as p ossible (without d istortion ) an d the amp input level as low a s possib le. Squeali ng noise from spe akers. Chec k for improp er ly gr ou nded RCA int er c on nect s. Disto rt ed sound. Chec k that the In p ut Level Control is set to m atch the sign al level of the head unit. Always try to set t h e In put Level as l ow as p ossible. Chec k tha t all crossover freq uen cie s ar e properly se t. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on the spe a ke r le ads. Ampl ifi e r get s very hot. C he c k th at t he mi nim um s p ea ke r im pe d an ce fo r t he a mp mod el i s c or re ct. Chec k tha t there is good air circu latio n aroun d the amp. In som e app lications, it may b e nece ssa ry to add an d exte r na l cooling fan. En gi ne noise (static type) This is usua ll y cau se d b y p oor quality RCA cables, which can pic k up ra d iated noise. U se only t h e best quality c ab les, an d rou te them aw ay fr om p ower cab les. En gi ne noise (al te rn ato r w hin e) Chec k tha t spe a ker le ad s are n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the RCA gr ounds are n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the head u nit is prope r ly gr ounded. The fuse ratings for these amps is 40A (using two 20A fuses) for the CX2500D and 90A (using three 30A fuses) for the Although sufficient for normal wo rking condit ions, o verlo ading t he a mp may result in blown fuses. Please try to avoid overloading the amp in this manner. Y o ur CH AO S EX XT RE M E Cla ss D amp l ifier is des igned t o run wi t h a m ini mu m lo ad of 1 Oh m. Op erati ng th e CX2500D or CX3500D wi th a sp ea ker im- ped an ce load belo w 1 Ohm ma y r e su lt in po or sou n d qu al - it y a nd da m a ge t o t he a mp lif ie r circu itry. Suc h damage i s no t covered un d er t he war ran ty for th is p rod u ct. U se a sc ri be or mounting screw, inserted through each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the m ou nti ng sur fac e i s car pet ed, me asu r e the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. 4. Drill pilot holes in the mounting su rfa ce f or the mo unt ing sc rew s. P lac e the amplifier in position, and attach the amplifier to the mounting surface securely us ing screws. Befor e doin g any wir ing, look thr ough this manual an d ident ify the diag rams to f ollow for pow er, inpu t and s peak er connections for your particular installation. Be sur e y ou unde rstand a ll th e co nne ct io ns bef o re y ou p ro ce ed. 1. Connect the amplifier’ s power gr ound terminal to the closest point on the chassis of the car. T he p ur p os e of pl a cin g a fu se i n t hi s lo ca tio n i s to pr otec t yo u r v ehi cl e’s batter y in the ev ent that this wir e ac ci dent a ll y t ouche s th e c hassis ground on its ru n t o th e a mplif ie r. Conne c ting t h e am pl ifier 4. C heck t hat th e fu se hol der is em pty. Connect all speakers, following the diagrams in this manual. Speaker C on necti ons MAST ER AMP LI FIER Re ar p anel 2 Introd u ction 2 Features 3 What is included? 3 General precautions 3 Installation preca u tions 3 Mounting the amplifier 4 Connecting the amplifier 5 Important system considerations 5 Tips for a safe system 6 Low level input wiring 6 Speaker wiring 7 Power connections Normal a n d with Stiffening Capacitor 8 Bridging two CHAOS EXXTREME CLASS D Amplifiers 10 T roubleshooting 11 Specifications C on grat ul ati on s on y ou r purchase of a CHAOS EX XTREME Class D Amplifi er. I t has be en de si gned, engi neer ed and manufactured to bring y ou the hi ghest level o f performance and quality, and will afford yo u years of listening pleasure. Thank you for making your choice for car audio entertainment. All specifications subject to change without notice.Pr ot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s power ed up. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on speaker lead s. T ur n dow n th e volume contr ol on the head u nit t o pr event over d r i vin g. Rem ove sp eaker lead s, and r ese t the amp lifie r. If the Pr o tec tion L ED sti ll com es on, then th e ampli f ie r is fa ulty a nd ne eds ser vicing. High hi s s i n the speake rs. Disconnect a ll RC A inputs t o the am plifiers. If t h e h iss disapp ears, then pl u g in the com ponent d r iving the a m plifier and u nplug it s inputs. It is best to se t the am plifier's i nput level con tr ol a s low a s possib le. Th e b est sub jecti ve sig n al-to-noise ra t io is achieved in t h is mann er. T r y t o set the head u nit a s h igh as p ossible (without d istortion ) an d the amp input level as low a s possib le. Squeali ng noise fr om spe akers. Chec k for improp er ly gr ou nded RCA int er c on nect s. Disto rt ed sound. Chec k that the In p ut Level Control is set to m atch the sign al level of the head unit. Always tr y to set t h e In put Level as l ow as p ossible. Chec k tha t all crossover fr eq uen cie s ar e properly se t. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on the spe a ke r le ads. Ampl ifi e r get s very hot. C he c k th at t he mi nim um s p ea ke r im pe d an ce fo r t he a mp mod el i s c or rect. Chec k tha t ther e is good air circu latio n aroun d the amp. In som e app lications, it may b e nece ssa r y to add an d exte r na l cooling fan. En gi ne noise (static type) This is usua ll y cau se d b y p oor quality RCA cables, which can pic k up ra d iated noise. U se only t h e best quality c ab les, an d rou te them aw ay fr om p ower cab les. En gi ne noise (al te rn ato r w hin e) Chec k tha t spe a ker le ad s ar e n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the RCA gr ounds ar e n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the head u nit is prope r ly gr ounded. SHO C K H AZAR D! Do no t op en t he ca se of thi s produ ct. Ther e are dangerous volta ges pr esent within the unit. T here a re no user -servi c eab le parts within the unit. The fuse ratings for these amps is 40A (using two 20A fuses) for the CX2500D and 90A (using thr ee 30A fuses) for the CX3500D. Although sufficient for normal wo rking condit ions, o verlo ading t he a mp may result in blown fuses. Please try to avoid overloading the amp in this manner. Y o ur CH AO S EX XT RE M E Cla ss D amp l ifier is des igned t o run wi t h a m ini mu m lo ad of 1 Oh m. Op erati ng th e CX2500D or CX3500D wi th a sp ea ker im- ped an ce load belo w 1 Ohm ma y r e su lt in po or sou n d qu al - it y a nd da m a ge t o t he a mp lif ie r circu itry. Suc h damage i s no t covered un d er t he war ran ty for th is p rod u ct. If you must replace a fuse on the amplifier, you must use a fuse of exactly the sam e type an d rat ing. A differ ent ty pe of fu se or rat ing may res ult in dam age or cause a fire. U se a sc ri be or mounting screw, inserted throu g h each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the m ou nti ng sur fac e i s car pet ed, me asu re the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. 4. Drill pilot holes in the mounting su rfa ce f or the mo un tin g scre ws. P lace the amplifier in position, and attach the amplifier to the mounting surface securely us ing screws. 4. Ch eck th at t he fus e hol der is empt y. Connect all speakers, following the diagrams in this manual. Speaker C on necti ons MAST ER AMP LI FIER Re ar p anel 2 Introd u ction 2 Featur es 3 What is included? 3 General pr ecautions 3 Installation pr ecautions 3 Mo unt ing the amplifier 4 Co nnecting the amplifier 5 Important system considerations 5 Tips for a safe system 6 Low level input wiring 6 Speaker wiring 7 Power connections Normal a n d with Stiffening Capacitor 8 Bridging two CHAOS EXXTREME CLASS D Amplifiers 10 T roubleshooting 11 Specifications C on grat ul ati on s on y ou r purchase of a CHAOS EX XTREME Class D Amplifi er. I t has be en de si gned, engi neer ed and manufactured to bring y ou the hi ghest level o f performance and quality, and will affor d you years of listening pleasure. Thank you for making your choice for car audio entertainment. All specifications subject to change without notice. It is designed ONL Y to match the output level of your audio source to the input level of your amplifier. Do not adjust this input level to maximum unless your input level requir es it. Ig norin g these instr uct ions will res ult in an input overload to th e amplifier, and excessive audio distortion. It ca n als o cau se t he pr ote ctio n cir cuit to engage. Don' t mi suse t he level con t ro l! BR IDGED MO DE SW ITCH IN MA S TER POS ITION BR IDGED MO DE SW ITCH IN SL A VE POS ITION To Au dio Output s of hea d uni t o r Subw oofer o u tputs of a signal p ro cesso r To Au dio Input s of satelli te a mplifi er (if pr ese n t) To Audio O ut pu t s of head un it or Subwoofer ou t pu ts of a si gn al pr oces sor Chas sis gr ound po int Always use a high-quality RCA cable for best audio performance. Prot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s powered up. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on speaker lead s. T ur n dow n th e volume contr ol on the head u nit t o prevent over drivin g. Rem ove sp eaker lead s, and rese t the amp lifie r. If the Pr o tec tion L ED sti ll com es on, then th e ampli f ie r is fa ulty a nd ne eds ser vicing. High hi s s i n the speake rs. Disconnect a ll RC A inputs t o the am plifiers. If t h e h iss disapp ears, then pl u g in the com ponent d r iving the a m plifier and u nplug it s inputs. It is best to se t the am plifier's i nput level con tr ol a s low a s possib le. Th e b est sub jecti ve sig n al-to-noise ra t io is achieved in t h is mann er. T r y t o set the head u nit a s h igh as p ossible (without d istortion ) an d the amp input level as low a s possib le. Squeali ng noise from spe akers. Chec k for improp er ly gr ou nded RCA int er c on nect s. Disto rt ed sound. Chec k that the In p ut Level Control is set to m atch the sign al level of the head unit. Always try to set t h e In put Level as l ow as p ossible. Chec k tha t all crossover freq uen cie s ar e properly se t. Chec k for sh ort ci r cuits on the spe a ke r le ads. Ampl ifi e r get s very hot. C he c k th at t he mi nim um s p ea ke r im pe d an ce fo r t he a mp mod el i s c or re ct. Chec k tha t there is good air circu latio n aroun d the amp. In som e app lications, it may b e nece ssa ry to add an d exte r na l cooling fan. En gi ne noise (static type) This is usua ll y cau se d b y p oor quality RCA cables, which can pic k up ra d iated noise. U se only t h e best quality c ab les, an d rou te them aw ay fr om p ower cab les. En gi ne noise (al te rn ato r w hin e) Chec k tha t spe a ker le ad s are n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the RCA gr ounds are n ot sh orted to the vehicle cha ssis. Chec k tha t the head u nit is prope r ly gr ounded. The fuse ratings for these amps is 40A (using two 20A fuses) for the CX2500D and 90A (using three 30A fuses) for the CX3500D. Although suffi ci ent for normal working condi tions, ove rloadi ng t he a mp may result in blown fuses. Please try to avoid overloading the amp in this manner. Y o ur CH AO S EX XT RE M E Cla ss D am pl ifier is de si gned t o run wi t h a m ini mu m lo ad of 1 Oh m. O pe rating the CX2500D or CX3500D with a s pe ake r im- pe da nce load bel ow 1 Ohm ma y r esu lt i n p o or soun d qu al- it y a nd d am age t o t he a mp lif ie r circuitry. Such damage i s n ot covere d un de r the warranty fo r thi s pr o du ct. U se a sc ri be or mounting screw, inserted through each of the amp's mounting holes, to mark the mounting surface. If the m ou nti ng sur fac e i s car pet ed, me asu re the hole centers and mark with a felt tip pen. 4. Drill pilot holes in the mounting su rfa ce f or the mo un tin g scr ew s. P lac e the amplifier in position, and attach the amplifier to the mounting surface securely us ing screws. 4. Ch eck th at t he fus e hol der is empt y. Connect all speakers, following the diagrams in this manual. Speaker C on necti ons MAST ER AMP LI FIER Re ar p anel 2 Introd u ction 2 Features 3 What is included? 3 General precautions 3 Installation preca u tions 3 Mounting the amplifier 4 Connecting the amplifier 5 Important system considerations 5 Tips for a safe system 6 Low level input wiring 6 Speaker wiring 7 Power connections Normal a n d with Stiffening Capacitor 8 Bridging two CHAOS EXXTREME CLASS D Amplifiers 10 T roubleshooting 11 Specifications C on grat ul ati on s on y ou r purchase of a CHAOS EX XTREME Class D Amplifi er. I t has be en de si gned, engi neer ed and manufactured to bring y ou the hi ghest level o f performance and quality, and will afford yo u years of listening pleasure. Thank you for making your choice for car audio entertainment. All specifications subject to change without notice.Always use a high-quality RCA cable for best audio performance. Prot ection LED com es on wh en ampl ifi e r i s powered up.