Procedure on correcting political status

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Mmallqui Mmallqui's picture
Procedure on correcting political status

How does one correct their political status ? I know we are one of the PEOPLE and NOT a U.S 14th amendment citizen. I know they tricked us into contract e.g license/passport etc. I know the contract is void and fraud since no human in their correct mind will give up their god given rights. But what is the exact procedure on how to correct your political status ? 

M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
No specific steps to follow

There are numerous processes you can use. There is a right to travel affidavit on this site you can use. There is an affidavit to the IRS you can use. If you have a case to take into a court of record, you will order the state to remove you from its jurisdiction. Also, once you take the oath of office, you automatically leave the jurisdiction of the federal corporation.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

Mmallqui Mmallqui's picture
Time to stand up

Now I was born in Peru, came here when I was 10, I'm 22 now. I became naturalize thru my father who's been here for quiet a while now. Is the process the same thing ? Or do I have to go thru a different process since I'm naturalized ? I just want to take action and finally do something bout the corrupt judge who I keep making payments to every month. I'm still reading on how to file a counterclaim, what's the structure, the templates and exhibits and the different vocabulary they use within the counterclaim. I want to be very well informed and armed with the knowledge I need to take on these corporate fucks. 

Dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery

M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
Read the 14th Amendment

There is no difference for people "born or naturalize" in the united states of America. Read the 14th amendment and it will be clear.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

robert deason

Mr. Hamilton, would the form DS11 help Mlliq in this matter?

Robert Deason

DS11 would get him a passport

DS11 is a passport application.  My supposition from the clues in Mlliq's messages is that he's up on charges of unlicensed driving.  A passport won't help him.  A driver's license is what he needed. 

M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
There are those who are

There are those who are getting 5 star or other types of passports, but i have not gone that route. I believe the key to any attack by government is a court of record.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

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