Have a possession of a controlled substance in Texas. They also decided they would attach a hold on my Tahoe, Asset forfeiture Is what Im thinking. I have typed up a Affidavit of truth attempting to challenge they're authority and A Final Notice and Request to Return Confiscated Property I am Mailing the officer, his command and the local DA. Any direction you can help me with would be appreciated. I've gotten to the point the things Im reading are contradicting themselves. Is a counterclaim what I should be filing? Thanks...
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So I have copied the format for the counter claim from Kassidy's case although mines a little different, I gave consent to search, I had tickets that were in warrant, Im almost done and will post to see what ya'll think of it..
William4578, consent to search you car, (not your vehicle) when the request comes from someone wearing a sidearm is not actually consent, since it was done under duress. Kassidy's is a good case to follow. A counterclaim is the only way to challenge jurisdiction. The government will continue to break the law on these cases until we are able to hold a judge accountable. We are going after Graham Quisenberry, the judge who violated at least 4 federal statutes. The drug war is a huge resource for the state corporations.
But most definitely, a counterlclaim is how you challenge jurisdiction. Read as much of this site in the next few days as possible and then watch Bill Thornton on youtube. That is where you can condition yourself, or uncondition yourself.
Kassidy's case is going to federal court and we are pressing ahead to have the judge arrested. Kassidy made some mistakes in his case, but he stood his ground and did his time. That is why we are going to federal court in his case. We have so much evidence against the judge and the clerk of the court in his case it will make the job easy.
Also, be advise that Randy Townsend is the chair of the APP in Texas and is aware that a common law grand jury has been established. He should have the info available about how to get involved so that the grand jury can bring charges against the judge.
If you plan to file a counterclaim, start a topic under the member forums where it is only visible to members or contributing members. The topics should be called yourname v. State of Texas et. al. Attach their documents against you to the initial post. You can attached 5 documents to the initial topic post and two to additional replies to the post. Make sure members proof your documents. I can write them for you if you want to contract.
M. R. Hamilton
One thing I would like to mention is the sheriffs dept left me a voice mail wanting me to sign some papers, Im thinking this must be concerning my tahoe. I've heard they can only hold it for 30 days, But im thinking they're trying to steal it from me. I will call them in the am and get that posted early evening. I would like your assistance, the legal forms are what concern me, you are very good at it. I want as few mistakes as possible. If you just let me know what you need in terms of a contract. I will see if I can make it happen. Were right at 5 to 6 weeks so, I don't think it'll be long before they get the grand jury to indict me. I will start a thread in the members only and upload what I have to date.. Thanks..
Your counterclaim should be filed prior to arraignment as well. Then when you go to arraignment, you can inform the judge his jurisdiction has been challenged in federal court. If he attempts to enter a plea for you you say, "Judge, you and I both kow that constitutes perjury. I am not entering a plea, because I do not consent to the code."
M. R. Hamilton
All of the citations they write are based on statutes. Statutes are not law. The courts have ruled that police and judges do not have any judicial authority when enforcing code. They are merely corporate administrators.
M. R. Hamilton