Discover Card Defense

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M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
Discover Card Defense

Just a quick link to a successful Discover Card Defense. This was not done in a court of record, but it was still successful. There is good information here for those of you who feel you need to hire an attorney.

The gist of the case, is this. the defendant claimed that Discover Bank was not license to do business in Ohio. Discover Bank claimed that they have DB Servicing Corporation handling the case for them, but the answers to the interrogatories showed the the account had not been properly transferred to DB Servicing Corporation. As such, neither Discover Bank or DB Servicing Corporation had standing. discover Bank tried to argue at the last minute that they were a "national" bank although records show that they are a Delaware Bank. The lower court ruled in favor of Discover Bank.

So the defendant appealed the decision and prevailed.

Discover Bank is notorious for suing people. I stopped paying Discover Bank a few years ago, because the banks got their bailout already, so I gave myself a bailout. But in my case, I first hired an attorney who I later fired so that I could counterclaim in a court of record. Naturally, I won my case, too, and proved that Louisiana does in fact have common law if the sovereign so chooses. To see the details of my case and the documents I filed with the court, visit the member forums. Dues are required unless you are a member of a grand jury or APP.