At you can create a group for your interests. When you create the group, you are automatically made the group manager. These are the guidelines by which group managers must abide.
- Groups may only be created for items of interest that have to do with freedom, government or government intrusion, common law, constitutional law or some other item that is in line with the primary subject matter of this site. For example, you can create a group for militia members in Montana, but you cannot create a group for NASCAR as much as we all like NASCAR, unless the group has to do with government stopping a NASCAR track from being built.
- Make sure there is no group that already addresses what will be the item of business for your group. For example, check the Grand Jury page before creating a grand jury group for your state and county. We do not need a duplication of efforts.
- We will see if these are enough for guidelines and update if needed.
Steps for Creating a Group or Subgroup
- Click on the "Add Content" link after you log in.
- Choose either the "Group" content type or "Grand Jury" content type. The grand jury type requires more information from people requesting to join the group, since grand juries are built from locals. You don't want to have people from Montana joining a grand jury in Colorado. You would be hard pressed to get them to show up to a grand jury meeting. If you are forming a group just to discuss certain types of issues, then use the "Group" content type.
- Name your group. We do not having a naming convention for regular groups, but we expect all Grand Juries to abide by the following naming convention. Name of State followed by Grand Jury if forming a State Grand Jury. The state grand jury group is just an umbrella for your county grand jury. When naming a county grand jury be sure to include both the county and state, such as Columbia County, Arkansas Grand Jury. If you do not get this right the first time, it can be corrected later.
- In the body of the page for the group you are creating, describe what the group goals or interests are. For grand juries this is as simple as stating the group is for the common law grand jury for your county in your state.
- The "Override default roles and permissions" checkbox should be checked. If you do not check this checkbox, you will not be able to perform some of the tasks for your specific group.
- Just below the previous checkbox is a section for selecting an audience. This section is called "Your Groups". Your group list is made up of groups to which you are a member. For example, before you can create a grand jury for your county, you must first join your state grand jury. If you are not creating a subgroup, you can leave this selection set on "None".
- Near the bottom of the page is a stack of links to perform certain tasks. One of these tasks is the creation of a URL path setting for creating an alias. We recommend that you create an alias. The alias must not have any space, but can have underscores of hyphens. For example, an alias for Louisiana Grand Jury would be louisiana-grand-jury. This make a much easier url for posting links to your group and for people to type in the address to your group if needed. Otherwise, your url will be something like or some such thing.
- If you have created a grand jury, other members will not know who you are by your site user name. So once you have created your grand jury, go to the group link that group managers have at the top of the page. This will take you to a page where you can manage your group.
- On the group management page, add yourself to the group. Now when others are allowed to join your group, they will know who you are.
- On the page management page, you can select whether or not approval is require to join the group. The first checkbox is to require approval. The second checkbox is to allow joining without approval. Obviously, grand jury groups should require approval, since they a locale specific groups.