If only I could give a letter to President Trump.
President Donald J Trump
What I am about to say is my own personal belief I cannot speak for the people of Colorado or the people of America. Most are either blind or they do not care
about the truth.
I question the premise that America is the home of the brave and land of the free. You cannot make America great again as long as scrupulous counties across America
control our private property/homes in order to line their revenue pockets with our hard earned money.
When I speak of the county (The city and county of Broomfield, Co.) where I reside I am also referencing all counties across America that are registered at Dunn and Bradstreet as corporations. Most if not all are corporate in nature and their in business for one purpose only, to make money.
You see I live in a county that ignores most of my correspondence with them. Their probably being directed by their legal ease attorneys to ignore me in order to not expose their crimes. This lack of response to my questions only exhibits their guilt.
I have expressed my desire under the U.S. Constitutional 1st amendment to disassociate me and my wife from the county I live in. We do not want their services or protection as identified on their property tax statement. It appears they do not care about our right to dissociate with them based on the most recent property tax statement I received. They also violated my 5th amendment rights when they converted my private property into residential property for the sole sake of taxation. I advised the Assessor regarding their mistake. Once again he ignored my request to change it back to private. Even the Secretary of state ignores me when I sent her an affidavit of citizenship, domicile, and tax status. She made mention multiple times in advertisements in her bid to be re elected that she believes in democracy and the right of the people of Colorado to choose their own path. I question whether or not she was truthful. Should I suspect fraud?
Being that this county is registered as a corporation they are subject to the UCC. This being said they are obligated to show me the contract I have with them. Are they the holder in due course, UCC 3-302? Again they refuse to respond.
Now lets examine the question I asked the county assessor about their use of federal reserve notes, debt obligations as identified in 18 USC 8 and their subsequent use of federal reserve notes in calculating property tax
31 U.S.C. § 3124 Money and Finance § 3124. Exemption from taxation
(a) Stocks and obligations of the United States Government are exempt from taxation by a State or political subdivision of a State. The exemption applies to each form of taxation that would require the obligation, the interest on the obligation, or both, to be considered in computing a tax, except--
(1) a nondiscriminatory franchise tax or another non property tax instead of a franchise tax, imposed on a corporation; and
(2) an estate or inheritance tax.
Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
That being said it clearly indicates a crime is committed when a county uses federal reserve notes, debt obligations in order to compute property tax. In addition, when they send tax statements via the mail they commit mail fraud. They also involve me in their scheme to commit fraud.
Mr. President, if your reading this and you really wish to make America great again then someone needs to address this heinous fraud being committed on the American people by public officials. My county is no exception. They could care less about their oath of office, the U.S. constitution or U.S codes. Law of the land does not exist for many of them. Their simply vultures that prey on the American people and they have the undying support of their bought and paid for judges and attorneys. They fear nothing. I think it is time for someone to shake up the system and restore American freedoms or this golden age will never become reality.
c\o Richard Heidelberg
Broomfield, Co. 80023
I recommend you send an affidavit making specific allegations and give them 30 days to rebut it. They have to reply or they tacitly agree. One thing that will happen is you status will be upgraded in their system. I do not kow if this will work for the property tax.
Democracy is treason in America as Article 4, Section 4 guarantees a republican form of government.
Colorado is one of the most corrupt states in the union.
M. R. Hamilton