The CIA is behind both political parties

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The CIA is behind both political parties

I agree with David Knight, of the David Knight Show, that the CIA runs the elections. We can not trust anyone in DC to fix America. Only God can fix everything. We can try to get involved at the local , county level to try to make a change though. 


Libs policy ruins our rights

Blue states like CA, IL, etc have pushed laws to punish parents for not going along with the Democrat's policy to groom children to become the opposite sex. That is insane.  States can't do that. These people in public offices  were elected to serve not be served.

M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
People volunteer to be subjects.

People have abandoned their offices of executor. Father are their children's executors until they reach the age of 21. Mom's are the executrix in the case where their is not father in the child's life.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

Popular news sources


Justthenews com

ProUSAnews com

WND com

Hotair com

Dailysceptic com

Expose-news com

thedavidknightshow com

ProTrumpnews com

Gellerreport com

Twellit com

M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
Local involvment is how to win it all back

When people get involved locally, they will be able to take back their local government. The sheriff is the highest LEO in the county. He can arrest state police and federal agents that come into the county and violate the peoples' rights. It is the most important office for protecting the people. If people just focused on their local county positions, they could really make a massive difference.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

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