There is so much harm that can be done from wearing a mask. It reduces oxygen saturation. It increases CO2 in the body to dangerous levels that are rated as able to cause death. People need to realize that the wealthy billionaires who control the politicians do not care about the common folk. As a matter of fact, even Fauci said back in 2008 that the majority of the deaths during the Spanish flu outbreak in the ealy 1900s was cause from the bacterial pneumonia caused from wearing the masks. That is why the masks are being pushed and why the death rate has been higher in those areas where the masks are required.
Americans will not stand the disaster of Joe will turn the country into. Everyone will awake to the chinese takeover of the country, and stop allowing themselves to be distracted with entertainment and phones.
15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:15
I will resist every law like mask mandates and vaccines that Joe pushes on Americans.
I'd like to buy a cheap pro Trump mask for store use only ;)
There is so much harm that can be done from wearing a mask. It reduces oxygen saturation. It increases CO2 in the body to dangerous levels that are rated as able to cause death. People need to realize that the wealthy billionaires who control the politicians do not care about the common folk. As a matter of fact, even Fauci said back in 2008 that the majority of the deaths during the Spanish flu outbreak in the ealy 1900s was cause from the bacterial pneumonia caused from wearing the masks. That is why the masks are being pushed and why the death rate has been higher in those areas where the masks are required.
M. R. Hamilton
Trump fought well. But not enough in DC had helped him. It appears people favor the Beast System of Socialism over American freedom. Sad too.
What someone said overseas...
Americans will not stand the disaster of Joe will turn the country into. Everyone will awake to the chinese takeover of the country, and stop allowing themselves to be distracted with entertainment and phones.
Slow Joe has made new friends with Garth Brooks and Bon Jovi, losers!
15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:15