Child custody

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FearingHim FearingHim's picture
Child custody

Hello, I am the father of a 12 yo little girl. Her mother has custody of her. I get the standard visitation rights. Her mother was involved and living with a man that was a very abusive alcoholic. I knew bad things were going on over there, but never got a straight answer from the mother or my daughter. The sister of the mother had told me that a big fight had broke out over at there house and he had thrown an iron at my ex while my little girl was standing next to her. It came about 6 inches from hitting my little girl in the head. I asked my ex about it and she flat out lied and said it didn't happen. The sister and the mother and father of my ex said that it did happen. I threatened her and said if she didn't move my little girl out and away from him I was going to get the law, cps, and the courts involved and have her taken away. She moved out but continued living close by him. I told her I cannot tell her who she could date, but if you continue to see him you better keep him away from our daughter. She said she wasn't going to seeing him anymore. The Friday after Thanksgiving I went to meet her mother to pick my daughter up. Their was a guy driving my ex's car and I couldn't see his face. After we left I asked my daughter who was driving and she said with fear that it was that same guy. I was wanting to know if their is a way for me to get custody of my daughter? Someone told me that their is an ecclesiastical law that states that after a child turns 12 that the father gets full custody of the child. I was wondering if that is true, and if not, what could I do to get custody? Thank you!

God Bless!


M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
Just like any situation that

Just like any situation that requires a remedy, file an action in a court of record. We as people have the right to invoke the court of record any time we choose. You have the right to protect your child. If your child is not safe where she is, file an action against your wife for full custody since she is not keeping your daughter safe.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

Family Kourt / COR

I have filed a COR into the family kourt regarding restoration of property and [judge] proceeds anyway.  Either it was not done correctly or these tribunals blatantly ignore law.  Can you point to a successful case where COR was used in a family kourt.  I am familiar with Karl Lentz' teachings as well as Bill Thornton, but niether can show success with child custody.  The family kourts are ground zero for Human Trafficking in our country.  I really wish there were more focus on this.  Many are willing to step forward and learn, meanwhile we face great persecution & incarceration like what is happening to Ronnie Davis now. 


Audra Schwoerer

M. R. Hamilton M. R. Hamilton's picture
When the judge proceeds, correct him

Anytime the judge proceeds, he needs to be corrected. It is when the judge gets a writ of error that includes the law, that he has a choice to behave honorable or dishonorably. However, if he continues to make orders, hold him in contempt of court. Some of us have done this numerous times. If he continues, draw up a notice of felonies under the private attorney general act.

M. R. Hamilton
No Lawyer? No Problem?

Neat resource
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