Alaska Grand Jury

This is the master group for the common law grand jury for this state. Contrary to the claims of the state of Alaska. The people of the united states of America are guaranteed the common law in the Constitution for the United States of America if they so choose. The reason most states prefer statutory law to common law, is because there are no statutes and codes in common law. The law is what the sovereign decrees it to be in common law and each and every people must consent for any statute to apply to him or her. That means that the government has no lawful authority over anyone who does not grant that authority. This is the obvious reason that those who want to control the people do not like the common law.

Since the grand jury is who chooses what criminal cases will be tried, the grand jury is who cases should be brought to make this determination. So called grand juries that are built under statute, which are all grand juries the equity court chooses, are controlled by the prosecutor and the judges. They, of course, decide what cases the grand jury will consider and they puppet the grand jury to get the results they want from those grand juries. So when a public official is being considered for corruption, the result is usually what the prosecutor in control of the statutory grand jury wants it to be if the prosecutor is friendly to the corrupt politician, we can all be assured that the politician will not suffer any consequences of his corruption.

The grand jury for your county is a subgroup of the state grand jury group. Discussions in the county group is available to the state group, because you may have cases you are investigating in common with other county grand juries. You will want to have more than 25 people on your grand jury pool so that when you meet, if anyone is not able to attend the meeting, you will still have a lawful grand jury.

What to do after organization.

Once you have organized your local grand jury, it would be best to get a room at your local district court house in which to meet. This will help to build credibility for your grand jury. You may have to file a suit against whomever does the scheduling to get the space. Do so if that is the only way that you will be able to meet. If the court official attempts to tell you that they already have a grand jury, ask how many people are on the grand jury. If it is less than 25, your grand jury is of higher authority, so proceed with steps to get your space.

It would be best to post the results or minutes for the meetings the grand jury has so that the information is available to the other grand jurists who sit in reserve and could not be present for the meeting. The information is secure and not available to anyone not a member of the grand jury. Make sure that you notify the group manager for this state group so that a link can be included on this page for your local grand jury so that others finding this page can quickly find your local grand jury.

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